Thursday, June 4, 2009

Be Patient, Cardinal Njue Tells Faithful over Charismatic Movement

Nairobi; May 31st, 2009

His Eminence John Cardinal Njue has urged for patience as he investigates the charismatic movement, whose activities he ‘put on hold’ in February.

Cardinal further explained to the faithful in the Archdiocese of Nairobi during the Pentecost Sunday Mass that he is in contact with the leaders of the movement, whom he has shared with them in the recent past.

“There are some areas that I must say, need keeping, and I needed to look into that,” he said, adding that catholic has structures of doing things which must be respected.

While addressing the members of press after the Mass, the Cardinal said ecclesial movements (such as Charismatic movement) even if approved by the Holy father must operate under the close eye of the ordinary under whose jurisdiction they are operating.

“As the shepherd here, if there are some activities that are contrary to the doctrine of the church, I have the right to stop that. There are some things that I can not just say ‘it does not matter’. That is why I told them to hold on,” he said.

He stressed that these movements are meant to be instruments to deepen faith of the faithful and not to destroy it.

Some sections of the media had carried articles alleging that the Cardinal had “banned” Charismatic movement in Nairobi, which the Cardinal clarified that he had only requested the said movement to “hold on” as he investigated its activities.

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