We the Catholic Justice and Peace Commissioners drawn from all the Catholic Dioceses in Kenya gathered here at Kolping Vocational Training Center - Kilimambogo for our Annual General Meeting from 19th to 22nd October 2010; as a Commission of the Catholic Church mandated to advocate for good governance, promote peace and champion justice in the country, as guided by the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church do register our concerns as highlighted hereunder:
Implementation of the New Constitution of Kenya
We acknowledge the democratic decision exercised by the majority of Kenyans in passing the new Constitution. As a stakeholder we commit ourselves to supporting the process of its implementation.
In pursuit of the above, we are disappointed at the confusion characterizing the interpretation of the New Constitution. This is in regard to areas such as restructuring of the Provincial Administration, the status of Local Authorities, the functions of the County Governments and the functions of the implementing organs (Executive, Parliament and Commission on the Implementation of the Constitution).
Leadership and Integrity
With the promulgation of the New Constitution, Kenyans ushered in a new culture of transparency and accountability. However, we are concerned that the continued culture of impunity among political leadership has not changed, making reference to the following issues; unwillingness of legislators to pay taxes, the kind of horse-trading witnessed in and outside Parliament whereby some leaders accused of corruption and other integrity issues are being protected by their colleagues. There are also unmerited public appointments based on tribalism, nepotism and political affiliation.
Transitional Justice
Kenya agreed to subject herself to the provisions of the Rome Statute in pursuing justice for the victims and perpetrators of gross human rights violations. In addition, the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission was set up to address historical injustices.
However, in the recent past, sections of political leadership have been applying diversionary tactics to derail the International Criminal Court effort in pursuing justice. This has been characterized by politicians inflaming ethnic passions and sympathy as a cover up for their misdeeds. Similarly, the Truth Justice Reconciliation Commission process has been plagued by issues of credibility and inadequate support.
· In implementation of the New Constitution we call for tolerance, understanding and above all, the involvement of all stakeholders. To facilitate a pro active and participatory approach, Kenyans require immediate structured and intensive Civic Education to help them understand the New Laws. As Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, we are prepared to partner with the Government and other stakeholders towards the realization of this noble objective. Civic education on the Constitution should be infused in the school curriculum at all levels.
· Since the New Constitution acknowledges the “Supremacy of the Almighty God” the teaching of religion should be upheld as part of the school curriculum. To effectively do this, we urge the government to recruit more religious education teachers in our schools and forbid tuition on Saturdays and Sundays as a process of implementing the New Laws. At the same time, faith based organizations should articulate their rightful role in inculcating the moral values in the New Constitution.
· With implementation of the New Constitution, future leaders of this country in 2012 should be God fearing, and people of high integrity, high moral standing, and high professionalism. The judges should exercise impartiality and ability to make wise, prudent, timely and balanced judgments, so that Kenya can get rid of pending cases of corruption, (Goldenberg, Anglo Leasing, the sale of Grand Regency), and extra-judicial killings.
· In reference to leadership and integrity, we call upon political leaders and public office holders, to start living the culture of the New Constitution. This requires that Legislators, Judges and other public servants start paying taxes without any further delay. Public appointments should also be based on merit and due process.
· With reference to transitional justice, we exhort the Government to address the issues of credibility and inadequate support plaguing the TJRC process. In the event that the Government fails to do this, we call for the overhaul or disbandment of the Commission. In addition, since the Government has made commitments with International Criminal Court in signing the Rome Statute, the latter should be allowed to fulfill their mandate unhindered.
In conclusion we refer to the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church and note that the tasks accompanying the responsibilities in social and political institutions demand a strict and articulated commitment that is able to demonstrate clearly the absolute necessity of the moral dimension in social and political life through thoughtful contributions to the political debates, planning and chosen actions. Failure to do that, inadequate attention to the moral dimension leads to the dehumanization of life in society and of social and political institutions thereby consolidating “structures of sin”.[1]
Signed by:
Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth
Chairman Catholic Justice and Peace Commission
Date: 21st October, 2010
[1] Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2004, pp. 304.
Our website: http://www.kec.or.ke/
Our blog: Cananews
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI implores media on truth
The media can not be indifferent to the truth.
Addressing participants attending a week long congress on the Catholic Press that concluded on October 7, 2010 in Rome, Italy, His holiness Pope Benedict XVI called on those working in the media to be messegers of truth and hope.
"At a time when more and more people are embracing the new-media especially social networks the church continues to explore ways of maintaining its presence," he said.
The congress that had over 200 media personalities representing the print, the electronic and new media, from 85 countries in the world explored ways in which gospel, while facing the challenges of the time, can be transmitted relevantly using the new media.
Arch Bishop Claudio Maria Celli, President of the Pontifical Council of Social Communications had earlier on said that the church media must help people re-discover God, while offering them hope.
Addressing the congress, he lamented that the Catholic media had lost her prophetic voice. The President hoped that the catholic media would rediscover her prophetic role in her communications mission.
"In a digital world, the church must also present and grow with the new technology and bring all people to God," he said.
The visit to the Holy Father ended with the Pontiff encouraging and blessing those in the Catholic media, and he wished them the accompaniment of the Holy Spirit in their ministry.
Kenya was represented by Fr Martin Wanyoike, Secretary for Communications-Catholic Secretariat; Sr Lucy Lando-Director; Ukweli Video and Ms. Bertina Kanaka-Director of Comunications; Archdiocese of Mombasa.
Addressing participants attending a week long congress on the Catholic Press that concluded on October 7, 2010 in Rome, Italy, His holiness Pope Benedict XVI called on those working in the media to be messegers of truth and hope.
"At a time when more and more people are embracing the new-media especially social networks the church continues to explore ways of maintaining its presence," he said.
The congress that had over 200 media personalities representing the print, the electronic and new media, from 85 countries in the world explored ways in which gospel, while facing the challenges of the time, can be transmitted relevantly using the new media.
Arch Bishop Claudio Maria Celli, President of the Pontifical Council of Social Communications had earlier on said that the church media must help people re-discover God, while offering them hope.
Addressing the congress, he lamented that the Catholic media had lost her prophetic voice. The President hoped that the catholic media would rediscover her prophetic role in her communications mission.
"In a digital world, the church must also present and grow with the new technology and bring all people to God," he said.
The visit to the Holy Father ended with the Pontiff encouraging and blessing those in the Catholic media, and he wished them the accompaniment of the Holy Spirit in their ministry.
Kenya was represented by Fr Martin Wanyoike, Secretary for Communications-Catholic Secretariat; Sr Lucy Lando-Director; Ukweli Video and Ms. Bertina Kanaka-Director of Comunications; Archdiocese of Mombasa.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Catholic media urged to stand for the poor
The Catholic media must strive to carry the message of truth and goodness for the whole society.
This was said by Cardinal Tarsisio Bertone, Secretary of State of the Vatican as he celebrated mass for the delegates attending the ongoing World Congress of the Catholic Press at the Vatican city on October 6, 2010.
Reminding the participants that they are called to promote a culture of dignity for all humanity, Cardinal Bertone asked the catholic media to lead in advocating for the needs of the poor and the needy in the society.
The mass which was celebrated at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome was at the at start of the third day of the congress which ends on October 7, 2010 with the address of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI.
The congress has brought together over 200 media practitioners from 85 countries to discuss the catholic media in the face of developing technology.
Kenya is represented by Fr MartinWanyoike , the Secretary of Communications at the Kenya Episcopal Conference (KEC); Sr Lucy Agnes Lando, Director of KEC's Ukweli video productions and Bertina Kanaka, the Archdiocese of Mombasa's communications Director.
Our website: http://www.kec.or.ke
Our blog: Cananews
This was said by Cardinal Tarsisio Bertone, Secretary of State of the Vatican as he celebrated mass for the delegates attending the ongoing World Congress of the Catholic Press at the Vatican city on October 6, 2010.
Reminding the participants that they are called to promote a culture of dignity for all humanity, Cardinal Bertone asked the catholic media to lead in advocating for the needs of the poor and the needy in the society.
The mass which was celebrated at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome was at the at start of the third day of the congress which ends on October 7, 2010 with the address of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI.
The congress has brought together over 200 media practitioners from 85 countries to discuss the catholic media in the face of developing technology.
Kenya is represented by Fr MartinWanyoike , the Secretary of Communications at the Kenya Episcopal Conference (KEC); Sr Lucy Agnes Lando, Director of KEC's Ukweli video productions and Bertina Kanaka, the Archdiocese of Mombasa's communications Director.
Our website: http://www.kec.or.ke
Our blog: Cananews
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Message for the end of Ramadan 'id al-fitr 1431 H./ 2010 AD'
Christians and Muslims: Together in overcoming violence among followers of different religions
Dear Muslim Friends,
1. Id al-Fitr, which concludes Ramadan, presents, once again, a favourable occasion to convey to you heartfelt wishes of serenity and joy on behalf of the pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue.
Throughout this month, you have committed yourselves to prayer, fasting, helping the neediest and strengthening relations of family and friendship. God will not fail to reward these efforts!
2. I am delighted to note that believers of other religions, especially Christians are spiritually close to you during these days, as it is testified by the various friendly meetings which often lead to exchanges of a religious nature. It is pleasing to me also to think that this message could be a positive contribution to your reflections.
3. The theme proposed this year by the Pontifical Council, Christians and Muslims: Together in overcoming violence among followers of different religions, is, unfortunately a pressing subject, at least in certain areas of the world. The joint committee for Dialogue instituted by the pontifical Council and Al-Azhar permanent Committee for Dialogue among the Monotheistic Religions had also chosen this topic as a subject of study, reflection and exchange during its last annual meeting (Cairo, 23-February 24, 2010). Permit me to share with you some of the conclusions published at the end of this meeting.
4. There are many causes for violence among believers of different religious traditions, including: manipulation of religion for political or other ends; Discrimination based on ethnicity or religious identity; divisions and social tensions. Ignorance, poverty, underdevelopment are also direct or indirect sources of violence among as well as within religious communities. May the civil and religious authorities offer their contributions in order to remedy so many situations for the sake of common good of all society! May the civil authorities safeguard the primacy of the law by ensuring true justice to put a stop to the authors and promoters of violence.
5. There are also important recommendations given in the above mentioned text: to open our hearts to mutual forgiveness and reconciliation for a peaceful and fruitful co-existence, to recognize what we have in common and to respect differences, as a basis for a culture o dialogue, to recognize and respect the dignity and rights of each human being without any bias related to ethnicity or religious affiliation; necessity to promulgate just laws which guarantee the fundamental equality of all; to recall the importance of education towards respect, dialogue and fraternity in the various educational arenas: at home, in the school, in churches and mosques. Thus we will be able to oppose violence among followers of different religions and promote peace and harmony among the various religious communities. Teaching by religious leaders, as well as school books which present religions in an objective way, have, along with teaching in general, a decisive impact on the education and the formation of younger generations.
6. I hope that these considerations, as well as the responses which they elicit within your communities, and with your Christians friends, will contribute to the continuation of a dialogue, growing in respect and serenity, upon which I call the blessings of God!
Jean-Louis Cardinal Tauran –
President, Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue
Archbishop pier Luigi Celata –
Secretary, Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue
Our website: www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: Cananews
Dear Muslim Friends,
1. Id al-Fitr, which concludes Ramadan, presents, once again, a favourable occasion to convey to you heartfelt wishes of serenity and joy on behalf of the pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue.
Throughout this month, you have committed yourselves to prayer, fasting, helping the neediest and strengthening relations of family and friendship. God will not fail to reward these efforts!
2. I am delighted to note that believers of other religions, especially Christians are spiritually close to you during these days, as it is testified by the various friendly meetings which often lead to exchanges of a religious nature. It is pleasing to me also to think that this message could be a positive contribution to your reflections.
3. The theme proposed this year by the Pontifical Council, Christians and Muslims: Together in overcoming violence among followers of different religions, is, unfortunately a pressing subject, at least in certain areas of the world. The joint committee for Dialogue instituted by the pontifical Council and Al-Azhar permanent Committee for Dialogue among the Monotheistic Religions had also chosen this topic as a subject of study, reflection and exchange during its last annual meeting (Cairo, 23-February 24, 2010). Permit me to share with you some of the conclusions published at the end of this meeting.
4. There are many causes for violence among believers of different religious traditions, including: manipulation of religion for political or other ends; Discrimination based on ethnicity or religious identity; divisions and social tensions. Ignorance, poverty, underdevelopment are also direct or indirect sources of violence among as well as within religious communities. May the civil and religious authorities offer their contributions in order to remedy so many situations for the sake of common good of all society! May the civil authorities safeguard the primacy of the law by ensuring true justice to put a stop to the authors and promoters of violence.
5. There are also important recommendations given in the above mentioned text: to open our hearts to mutual forgiveness and reconciliation for a peaceful and fruitful co-existence, to recognize what we have in common and to respect differences, as a basis for a culture o dialogue, to recognize and respect the dignity and rights of each human being without any bias related to ethnicity or religious affiliation; necessity to promulgate just laws which guarantee the fundamental equality of all; to recall the importance of education towards respect, dialogue and fraternity in the various educational arenas: at home, in the school, in churches and mosques. Thus we will be able to oppose violence among followers of different religions and promote peace and harmony among the various religious communities. Teaching by religious leaders, as well as school books which present religions in an objective way, have, along with teaching in general, a decisive impact on the education and the formation of younger generations.
6. I hope that these considerations, as well as the responses which they elicit within your communities, and with your Christians friends, will contribute to the continuation of a dialogue, growing in respect and serenity, upon which I call the blessings of God!
Jean-Louis Cardinal Tauran –
President, Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue
Archbishop pier Luigi Celata –
Secretary, Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue
Our website: www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: Cananews
Friday, June 18, 2010
Bishops' Statement: Insecurity In Kenya
We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is with great shock and disbelief that we, together with the rest of the world, witnessed the ugly scenes that befell our Christian sisters and brothers on the evening of Sunday the 13th 2010, at the Uhuru Park grounds in the Central Business District of Nairobi.
We condemn in the strongest words possible the atrocious crimes that were meted out on innocent Kenyans while conducting a prayer service. We extend solidarity with the Bishops and Pastors who organised this successful prayer meeting.
Our hearts go out to the families and friends of the departed and we pray for them to receive Divine comfort from the Almighty God. We pray for the deceased and urge all Kenyans to pray for the souls of these our brothers and sisters who have lost their lives while expressing their democratic right in “defense of life”. We are however surprise and shocked that someone decides to dishonorate the Government from this barbaric act without first waiting for the findings of the investigation of the police.
We also wish to condemn the cowardly acts of vandalism, defilement and irreverent that was witnessed at the Holy Family Basilica on the morning of Monday the 14th of June 2010. This attack was directed against “The Most Blessed Sacrament” which all Catholics hold most Sacred. We deeply protest against this sought of vandalism, and condemn categorically the action of the instigators.
We wish to categorically state that we shall not be intimidated neither shall our resolve to oppose this flawed draft be dented. Indeed, we express our concern against the personal attacks that have been made through the media and in public against our church leaders simply because they in good conscience have chosen to oppose the draft constitution and urge Kenyans to reject it as a document that is not good for our country.
We as a country have already witnessed firsthand where this slippery road of violence and intolerance can lead us. We call upon all Kenyans to join hands and resist any elements amongst us that are bent on dividing the country or taking us back to the dark days of violence. We also call upon Kenyans to be calm and accommodating of one another’s views whether for or against the constitution.
It should not be lost in our minds that we must continue as a nation, whatever may be the decision we make on the historic 4th of August, and that God will still be with us to guide us forward.
The Catholic Church in Kenya calls on all Kenyans to be united and to speak with one voice of love, respect and understanding regardless of colour, religion, tribe, race or creed, or even position taken on the proposed constitution. We also call upon all Kenyans of goodwill to remember our country in prayers that we may all learn to live harmoniously together with love and unity.
Signed for and on behalf of ALL Archbishops and Bishops
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue
Chairman Kenya Episcopal Conference
Cc National Council of Churches of Kenya
Att. Canon Peter Karanja
Cc Evangelical Alliance of Kenya
Att. Rev. Dr. Willy Mutiso
Date: June 15, 2010
Our Website: http://www.kec.or.ke/
Our Blog: Cananews
It is with great shock and disbelief that we, together with the rest of the world, witnessed the ugly scenes that befell our Christian sisters and brothers on the evening of Sunday the 13th 2010, at the Uhuru Park grounds in the Central Business District of Nairobi.
We condemn in the strongest words possible the atrocious crimes that were meted out on innocent Kenyans while conducting a prayer service. We extend solidarity with the Bishops and Pastors who organised this successful prayer meeting.
Our hearts go out to the families and friends of the departed and we pray for them to receive Divine comfort from the Almighty God. We pray for the deceased and urge all Kenyans to pray for the souls of these our brothers and sisters who have lost their lives while expressing their democratic right in “defense of life”. We are however surprise and shocked that someone decides to dishonorate the Government from this barbaric act without first waiting for the findings of the investigation of the police.
We also wish to condemn the cowardly acts of vandalism, defilement and irreverent that was witnessed at the Holy Family Basilica on the morning of Monday the 14th of June 2010. This attack was directed against “The Most Blessed Sacrament” which all Catholics hold most Sacred. We deeply protest against this sought of vandalism, and condemn categorically the action of the instigators.
We wish to categorically state that we shall not be intimidated neither shall our resolve to oppose this flawed draft be dented. Indeed, we express our concern against the personal attacks that have been made through the media and in public against our church leaders simply because they in good conscience have chosen to oppose the draft constitution and urge Kenyans to reject it as a document that is not good for our country.
We as a country have already witnessed firsthand where this slippery road of violence and intolerance can lead us. We call upon all Kenyans to join hands and resist any elements amongst us that are bent on dividing the country or taking us back to the dark days of violence. We also call upon Kenyans to be calm and accommodating of one another’s views whether for or against the constitution.
It should not be lost in our minds that we must continue as a nation, whatever may be the decision we make on the historic 4th of August, and that God will still be with us to guide us forward.
The Catholic Church in Kenya calls on all Kenyans to be united and to speak with one voice of love, respect and understanding regardless of colour, religion, tribe, race or creed, or even position taken on the proposed constitution. We also call upon all Kenyans of goodwill to remember our country in prayers that we may all learn to live harmoniously together with love and unity.
Signed for and on behalf of ALL Archbishops and Bishops
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue
Chairman Kenya Episcopal Conference
Cc National Council of Churches of Kenya
Att. Canon Peter Karanja
Cc Evangelical Alliance of Kenya
Att. Rev. Dr. Willy Mutiso
Date: June 15, 2010
Our Website: http://www.kec.or.ke/
Our Blog: Cananews
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Bishops' Statement: "Choose life and You Will Live!"
Our dear people of God and fellow Kenyans, “the truth will set you free” (John 8: 32).
We, the Catholic Bishops of Kenya greet you in the name of the risen Lord.
You will recall that we wrote to you on 15th April 2010 in our pastoral letter ‘STAND UP FOR LIFE’ in which we were also addressing the government to take our views and those of other Kenyans into consideration. We have also sought other avenues to engage the government without success, specifically trying to address the two major issues raised in our letter. On the 6th May 2010, the Proposed Constitution of Kenya was published by the Attorney-General without change.
We wish to express our disappointment and that of many Kenyans that our voice has not been listened to so far. Even at this late stage, we still believe that the said clauses can be removed from the Proposed Constitution of Kenya.
In our letter ‘STAND UP FOR LIFE’ we referred to the difficulty we had with article 26 paragraph 4 and our concern about articles 169, 170.
With regard to article 26 paragraph 4, we insist that the right to life is paramount and we find the clause to be contrary to natural law, human dignity and Christian teaching as specified in the teaching of the Catholic Church.
We the Catholic Bishops of Kenya have sought advice on legal and medical issues regarding the right to life, and are convinced on the basis of the advice that we continue to receive, that the constitution will result in the liberalisation of abortion laws.
Similar wordings have been used in other countries to legalise abortion, similar faulty arguments as those being used by the proponents of abortion in this country. A good constitution should safeguard very basic rights before conferring other rights. The Proposed Constitution of Kenya does not do that. A good constitution is judged by how it protects fundamental human rights. All the gains in the Proposed Constitution of Kenya are, as it were, cancelled by what it says about the most fundamental right, the right to life. A constitution that does not safeguard the sanctity of human life is not a good constitution.
Together with this there are other issues which are found in the Proposed Constitution about which we have the gravest reservations, namely, the Kadhis’ courts with their inherent inequality of citizens (art. 169 and art. 170), family life (art. 53), acceptance of international law as the law of our country (art. 2), reproductive health care (art. 43, 1a), and the definition of religious freedom (art. 32). Why is the term reproductive health care in this constitution when it is understood in international definition to mean abortion?
Regarding future amendments, we do not believe that a document that is fundamentally flawed should be passed only with a very vague hope that it will be amended later, especially when the process of amendment is more difficult after than before. To vote for the Constitution is to vote for all of it, including its good and its bad provisions. It is impossible to separate them. All people of good will who vote for the Proposed Constitution of Kenya because of some provisions that they like are also responsible of voting for all the morally problematic provisions in the Proposed Constitution of Kenya, including the liberalisation of abortion. We cannot in good conscience advise Kenyans to vote for the Proposed Constitution of Kenya with the hope of future amendments. We also cannot in good conscience leave the matter to Kenyans without giving our considered advice in moral matters so that they can form their consciences in accord with the will of God expressed to us through the moral laws that form part of our cherished Christian tradition. We state this without any fear of contradiction.
The Constitution is not a bag of potatoes for which you can remove five bad potatoes and retain the 95 that seem to be good. It is like an egg, that is delicate and has to be well preserved. And if it begins to go bad, it goes bad wholly and you cannot separate the good from the bad.
Thus, as we have already stated, we are compelled to advise the people of Kenya to vote No!
To emphasize our total objection to article 26 paragraph 4:
We will be promoting the teaching of our Church through the usual means of communication.
As we promised, we will be proclaiming a national day of prayer.
These are the issues on which we judge the Proposed Constitution of Kenya.
We urge our leaders to respect this decision and position that the entire Church has taken. We must voice our opinion, whichever it may be, with utmost respect for persons and institutions (articles 22 and 28). We are not in a political competition but rather putting clearly the position that arises from our role as religious and moral stewards of our society.
We the Catholic Church have been involved in responding to the problems and concerns of women and shall continue working for the respect of their dignity. We wish to prevent many women of this country from experiencing medical treatment by people who are not qualified. We want to prevent them from experiencing the internal pain of the loss of love.
The Church runs many health institutions in collaboration with the government. We know that the rights of many women in this country have not been respected. The Church has always been and shall always be on their side. Those trying to front abortion are the ones who do not care about the plight of women. Why would anyone wish to cause so much pain to women? Would the Church want anything bad for this country? Would the Church promote evil for this country?
Our dear Christians and dear people of good will, we find ourselves at a crossroads. We all understand the craving we all have for a new constitutional dispensation. However, we have a moral duty to pass on to our future generations a constitution that truly safeguards truth and human dignity.
We therefore urge you to make a major campaign of prayer for the defense of life and a constitution that safeguards this reality. We urge al to pray the rosary and other prayers in our Eucharistic celebrations and our small Christian communities so that God may listen to our cry and plea.
We therefore repeat our advice to the people of Kenya to reject this Proposed Constitution of Kenya.
We commend all of you to the protection of our Blessed Mother Mary; may she who treasured the mysteries of God in her womb intercede for our beloved country Kenya.
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue;
Archbishop of Nairobi.
Apostolic Administrator of Ngong
Chairman, Kenya Episcopal Conference
1. Rt. Rev. Philip Sulumeti - KEC Vice Chairman (Kakamega)
2. Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth (Kisumu)
3. Most Rev. Boniface Lele (Mombasa)
4. Most Rev. Peter Kairo (Nyeri)
5. Rt. Rev. Paul Darmanin (Garissa)
- Apostolic Administrator (Malindi)
6. Rt. Rev. Cornelius K. Arap Korir (Eldoret)
7. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa(Kisii)
8. Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo (Homa Bay)
9. Rt. Rev. Alfred Rotich (Military Ordinariate )
10. Rt. Rev. Maurice Crowley (Kitale)
11. Rt. Rev. Norman King’oo Wambua (Bungoma)
12. Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, IMC (Marsabit)
13. Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng’ang’a- (Auxiliary Bishop Nairobi)
14. Rt. Rev. Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC (Isiolo Vicariate)
15. Rt. Rev. Patrick Harrington (Lodwar)
16. Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante (Maralal )
17. Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugambi (Meru)
18. Rt. Rev. Luigi Paiaro (Nyahururu)
19. Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okombo (Kericho)
20. Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde (Machakos)
21. Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria (Kitui)
22. Rt. Rev. James Maria Wainaina (Muranga)
23. Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki Njiru (Embu)
24. Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia Makumba (Nakuru)
25. Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich – (Aux. Bishop Elect Lodwar)
Monday, 11th May 2010
Our website: www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
We, the Catholic Bishops of Kenya greet you in the name of the risen Lord.
You will recall that we wrote to you on 15th April 2010 in our pastoral letter ‘STAND UP FOR LIFE’ in which we were also addressing the government to take our views and those of other Kenyans into consideration. We have also sought other avenues to engage the government without success, specifically trying to address the two major issues raised in our letter. On the 6th May 2010, the Proposed Constitution of Kenya was published by the Attorney-General without change.
We wish to express our disappointment and that of many Kenyans that our voice has not been listened to so far. Even at this late stage, we still believe that the said clauses can be removed from the Proposed Constitution of Kenya.
In our letter ‘STAND UP FOR LIFE’ we referred to the difficulty we had with article 26 paragraph 4 and our concern about articles 169, 170.
With regard to article 26 paragraph 4, we insist that the right to life is paramount and we find the clause to be contrary to natural law, human dignity and Christian teaching as specified in the teaching of the Catholic Church.
We the Catholic Bishops of Kenya have sought advice on legal and medical issues regarding the right to life, and are convinced on the basis of the advice that we continue to receive, that the constitution will result in the liberalisation of abortion laws.
Similar wordings have been used in other countries to legalise abortion, similar faulty arguments as those being used by the proponents of abortion in this country. A good constitution should safeguard very basic rights before conferring other rights. The Proposed Constitution of Kenya does not do that. A good constitution is judged by how it protects fundamental human rights. All the gains in the Proposed Constitution of Kenya are, as it were, cancelled by what it says about the most fundamental right, the right to life. A constitution that does not safeguard the sanctity of human life is not a good constitution.
Together with this there are other issues which are found in the Proposed Constitution about which we have the gravest reservations, namely, the Kadhis’ courts with their inherent inequality of citizens (art. 169 and art. 170), family life (art. 53), acceptance of international law as the law of our country (art. 2), reproductive health care (art. 43, 1a), and the definition of religious freedom (art. 32). Why is the term reproductive health care in this constitution when it is understood in international definition to mean abortion?
Regarding future amendments, we do not believe that a document that is fundamentally flawed should be passed only with a very vague hope that it will be amended later, especially when the process of amendment is more difficult after than before. To vote for the Constitution is to vote for all of it, including its good and its bad provisions. It is impossible to separate them. All people of good will who vote for the Proposed Constitution of Kenya because of some provisions that they like are also responsible of voting for all the morally problematic provisions in the Proposed Constitution of Kenya, including the liberalisation of abortion. We cannot in good conscience advise Kenyans to vote for the Proposed Constitution of Kenya with the hope of future amendments. We also cannot in good conscience leave the matter to Kenyans without giving our considered advice in moral matters so that they can form their consciences in accord with the will of God expressed to us through the moral laws that form part of our cherished Christian tradition. We state this without any fear of contradiction.
The Constitution is not a bag of potatoes for which you can remove five bad potatoes and retain the 95 that seem to be good. It is like an egg, that is delicate and has to be well preserved. And if it begins to go bad, it goes bad wholly and you cannot separate the good from the bad.
Thus, as we have already stated, we are compelled to advise the people of Kenya to vote No!
To emphasize our total objection to article 26 paragraph 4:
These are the issues on which we judge the Proposed Constitution of Kenya.
We urge our leaders to respect this decision and position that the entire Church has taken. We must voice our opinion, whichever it may be, with utmost respect for persons and institutions (articles 22 and 28). We are not in a political competition but rather putting clearly the position that arises from our role as religious and moral stewards of our society.
We the Catholic Church have been involved in responding to the problems and concerns of women and shall continue working for the respect of their dignity. We wish to prevent many women of this country from experiencing medical treatment by people who are not qualified. We want to prevent them from experiencing the internal pain of the loss of love.
The Church runs many health institutions in collaboration with the government. We know that the rights of many women in this country have not been respected. The Church has always been and shall always be on their side. Those trying to front abortion are the ones who do not care about the plight of women. Why would anyone wish to cause so much pain to women? Would the Church want anything bad for this country? Would the Church promote evil for this country?
Our dear Christians and dear people of good will, we find ourselves at a crossroads. We all understand the craving we all have for a new constitutional dispensation. However, we have a moral duty to pass on to our future generations a constitution that truly safeguards truth and human dignity.
We therefore urge you to make a major campaign of prayer for the defense of life and a constitution that safeguards this reality. We urge al to pray the rosary and other prayers in our Eucharistic celebrations and our small Christian communities so that God may listen to our cry and plea.
We therefore repeat our advice to the people of Kenya to reject this Proposed Constitution of Kenya.
We commend all of you to the protection of our Blessed Mother Mary; may she who treasured the mysteries of God in her womb intercede for our beloved country Kenya.
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue;
Archbishop of Nairobi.
Apostolic Administrator of Ngong
Chairman, Kenya Episcopal Conference
1. Rt. Rev. Philip Sulumeti - KEC Vice Chairman (Kakamega)
2. Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth (Kisumu)
3. Most Rev. Boniface Lele (Mombasa)
4. Most Rev. Peter Kairo (Nyeri)
5. Rt. Rev. Paul Darmanin (Garissa)
- Apostolic Administrator (Malindi)
6. Rt. Rev. Cornelius K. Arap Korir (Eldoret)
7. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa(Kisii)
8. Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo (Homa Bay)
9. Rt. Rev. Alfred Rotich (Military Ordinariate )
10. Rt. Rev. Maurice Crowley (Kitale)
11. Rt. Rev. Norman King’oo Wambua (Bungoma)
12. Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, IMC (Marsabit)
13. Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng’ang’a- (Auxiliary Bishop Nairobi)
14. Rt. Rev. Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC (Isiolo Vicariate)
15. Rt. Rev. Patrick Harrington (Lodwar)
16. Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante (Maralal )
17. Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugambi (Meru)
18. Rt. Rev. Luigi Paiaro (Nyahururu)
19. Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okombo (Kericho)
20. Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde (Machakos)
21. Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria (Kitui)
22. Rt. Rev. James Maria Wainaina (Muranga)
23. Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki Njiru (Embu)
24. Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia Makumba (Nakuru)
25. Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich – (Aux. Bishop Elect Lodwar)
Monday, 11th May 2010
Our website: www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
Friday, April 16, 2010
Bishops' Statement: "Stand Up For Life!"
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings in the name of the Risen Lord.
We are all aware that a Referendum on the Proposed Constitution for Kenya will take place later in 2010. As Bishops of the Catholic Church in Kenya, we are supportive of a new Constitutional Order for our country and have worked long and hard to bring the process to its present state. We encourage all of you to prepare carefully for this important event by first of all registering, and then on Referendum day, to go out and vote.
It is our duty, as moral leaders and shepherds of the Catholic Church in Kenya, to present for your reflection certain, serious problems connected with Article 26 (paragraph 4) of the Proposed Constitution. In order to refresh your memories, this article states:
“Abortion is not permitted unless, in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is need for emergency treatment, or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law”.
If this article is maintained in the Proposed Constitution as it is, we will be compelled based on moral grounds to advise the people of Kenya to vote NO.
To begin with, let us be clear on one point. The Catholic Church has always recognised the “emergency” situation when the life of the mother is in danger. The mother has a right to treatment in life-threatening situations. But we have always recognised that both the mother and the unborn child have an equal, personal right to life.
This is already recognised in the Kenya Penal Code. The physician must do all in his/her power to save the lives of both mother and child. The doctor, by his/her Hypocratic Oath, is bound to save and protect life. The State must expressly state in its Law to respect, defend and vindicate the rights of both mother and child.
But then, in extending the right of abortion to include a threat to the health of the pregnant woman, the article is opening the doors to “abortion on demand”. Those of us who live close to the people know that very many women suffer from ill-health in Kenya. There are many endemic diseases throughout this country. Most of them are preventable and treatable.
Is a danger to the health of the mother a sufficient reason to abort a child in the womb? Is the stress which a young schoolgirl undergoes on discovering that she is pregnant a sufficient threat to her health, so that she can demand and obtain an abortion? Further, on the other side of the economic scale, there are elitist groups who demand that abortion be legalised on spurious health grounds, such as “psychological damage to the ego”, body image or even the need to be accepted among one’s peers. All these are social problems – needing various social responses. They should not be addressed as medical - needing medical solutions.
Where there is a danger to the health of the mother is when she has procured an abortion. There are many “trained health professionals” who vouch for the fact that the guilt or trauma known as “post abortion syndrome” is a factor that can damage a woman’s emotional life. This is a result of aborting the child – an act that cannot be reversed.
There is another point in Article 26 (paragraph 4) which is not clear. What does it mean by “a trained health professional”? Is it a medical doctor, a clinical officer, a nurse, a mid-wife, a patient attendant or a Traditional Birth Attendant? All are “trained health professionals”. In any law – and particularly in the fundamental law being proposed for a country – the people have a right to precision before being asked to commit themselves to something. Clarification is needed from those who wrote and passed the Draft. We need to know the mind of the legislators. Then it can be stated clearly in the proposed article.
A final ambiguity with Article 26 (paragraph 4) is the phrase “any other written law”. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Are we satisfied with assurances or even MOUs that “changes can take place after the Referendum”? Are we prepared to allow Parliament or a majority of counties to pass other laws on issues of life and death? What is “a majority” in Parliament or of counties – referred to in Article 257 (vii) and (viii)? Do we want another Referendum in the near future? (Article 257 (x)? Can we financially afford this? Do we wish to spend time and money in seeking interpretations from the Judiciary?
“Nothing and no one can in any way permit the killing of an innocent human being, whether foetus or an embryo, an infant or an adult, an old person or one suffering from an incurable disease or a person who is dying”. (Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church No. 108).
“We are called upon to do as much as we can to defend the lives of unborn children, who cannot of their nature, defend themselves….Once abortion is sanctioned by parliament and the law, it becomes “OK” in the minds of many, and as a result a society loses its respect for the value of human life. Such a society is not a good society: the practice of abortion has a morally corrosive effect”. (A Catholic Catechism No. 332).
1. That the Clause 26 (4) be removed from the Draft Constitution.
There is insufficient time to achieve consensus and clarify all the issues in a calm, reasoned and unemotional manner.
There is insufficient time for a proper civic education on such grave, moral issues that affect life and death.
The present government of Kenya is made up of a Grand Coalition, which itself, is an extraordinary situation. All parties and interests are represented in it. This moral issue in Article 26 (paragraph 4) is not a political party issue.
We believe that an executive order by the President, with the agreement of the Prime Minister, can delete Article 26 (paragraph 4) and bring the country forward.
The President has stated on at least two public occasions that abortion would not be allowed in any proposed Constitution for Kenya.
The responsibility is now squarely in the hands of the “Two Principals” – President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
2. That all Catholics will hold a Prayer Day in Defence of Human Life. The date, manner and content for this Prayer Day will be communicated at a later date.
Now we turn to Articles 169, 170 and 172(a). The Question of the Kadhi courts has been linked by commentators to our views on Article 26. There is no such link.
In brief, the articles establish Kadhi Courts as part of our judiciary. In so doing they give a special treatment, to a section of the population that professes the Muslim religion. These courts would then be funded by the state.
The debate on Kadhi courts has been widely misunderstood and has created a lot of unnecessary suspicion amongst Kenyans on the basis of religion. It is not a Christians versus Muslims affair. It is simply about equality of all before the state. Here we are stating an anomaly that is in the current constitution and still maintained in the proposed constitution.
It is a question of Justice, not to give privileges to certain Kenyans (as opposed to others) because of their religion, race or tribe. That is the beginning of discrimination - more so if the issue refers to a religious group. What we are stating is that there is no equity. This right is only reserved to those professing one faith.
Justice calls that the Constitution provide similar rights to other religious groups. This could be regulated by Acts of Parliament. All the Christian churches, Hinduism, Islam, Catholicism etc. which have legitimate concerns, fears or expectations, should rectify and consolidate these through Acts of Parliament.
All are equal before the supreme law of the land and therefore need to be granted equal opportunity to enjoy all the liberties accorded to others.
In allowing certain groups, whether religious, tribal, geographic or otherwise to negotiate special privileges that will be enshrined in the constitution, then we shall be going against the very fundamental principle that we are all equal. We believe a solution can be found to provide for the equity that justice calls for and requires.
Let all religions be treated equally as provided for in the very Proposed Constitution. “There shall be no state religion” (Article 8).
In conclusion, our dear brothers and sisters, we assure you that we are praying with you and for you as we discern the best way forward for Kenya. As your shepherds, we have tried to put forward on many occasions to all forms of committees, groups, commissions and individuals, the legitimate concerns which we have in our hearts concerning these two Articles of the Proposed Constitution. Our patriotism and commitment, and that of the estimated Catholic population of one third of the people of this land (who are drawn from all parts of Kenya) have never been in doubt. The contribution of the Catholic Church to the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and developmental aspects of all over the past one hundred years is a matter of public record. We assure you and the people of Kenya that this commitment will continue.
May the Lord strengthen all of us.
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue;
Archbishop of Nairobi.
Apostolic Administrator of Ngong
Chairman, Kenya Episcopal Conference
1. Rt. Rev. Philip Sulumeti - KEC Vice Chairman (Kakamega)
2. Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth (Kisumu)
3. Most Rev. Boniface Lele (Mombasa)
4. Most Rev. Peter Kairo (Nyeri)
5. Rt. Rev. Paul Darmanin (Garissa)
- Apostolic Administrator (Malindi)
6. Rt. Rev. Cornelius K. Arap Korir (Eldoret)
7. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa(Kisii)
8. Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo (Homa Bay)
9. Rt. Rev. Alfred Rotich (Military Ordinariate )
10. Rt. Rev. Maurice Crowley (Kitale)
11. Rt. Rev. Norman King’oo Wambua (Bungoma)
12. Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, IMC (Marsabit)
13. Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng’ang’a- (Auxiliary Bishop Nairobi)
14. Rt. Rev. Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC (Isiolo Vicariate)
15. Rt. Rev. Patrick Harrington (Lodwar)
16. Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante (Maralal )
17. Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugambi (Meru)
18. Rt. Rev. Luigi Paiaro (Nyahururu)
19. Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okombo (Kericho)
20. Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde (Machakos)
21. Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria (Kitui)
22. Rt. Rev. James Maria Wainaina (Muranga)
23. Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki Njiru (Embu)
24. Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia Makumba (Nakuru)
25. Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich – (Aux. Bishop Elect Lodwar)
Thursday, 15th April 2010
Our website: www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
Greetings in the name of the Risen Lord.
We are all aware that a Referendum on the Proposed Constitution for Kenya will take place later in 2010. As Bishops of the Catholic Church in Kenya, we are supportive of a new Constitutional Order for our country and have worked long and hard to bring the process to its present state. We encourage all of you to prepare carefully for this important event by first of all registering, and then on Referendum day, to go out and vote.
It is our duty, as moral leaders and shepherds of the Catholic Church in Kenya, to present for your reflection certain, serious problems connected with Article 26 (paragraph 4) of the Proposed Constitution. In order to refresh your memories, this article states:
“Abortion is not permitted unless, in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is need for emergency treatment, or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law”.
If this article is maintained in the Proposed Constitution as it is, we will be compelled based on moral grounds to advise the people of Kenya to vote NO.
To begin with, let us be clear on one point. The Catholic Church has always recognised the “emergency” situation when the life of the mother is in danger. The mother has a right to treatment in life-threatening situations. But we have always recognised that both the mother and the unborn child have an equal, personal right to life.
This is already recognised in the Kenya Penal Code. The physician must do all in his/her power to save the lives of both mother and child. The doctor, by his/her Hypocratic Oath, is bound to save and protect life. The State must expressly state in its Law to respect, defend and vindicate the rights of both mother and child.
But then, in extending the right of abortion to include a threat to the health of the pregnant woman, the article is opening the doors to “abortion on demand”. Those of us who live close to the people know that very many women suffer from ill-health in Kenya. There are many endemic diseases throughout this country. Most of them are preventable and treatable.
Is a danger to the health of the mother a sufficient reason to abort a child in the womb? Is the stress which a young schoolgirl undergoes on discovering that she is pregnant a sufficient threat to her health, so that she can demand and obtain an abortion? Further, on the other side of the economic scale, there are elitist groups who demand that abortion be legalised on spurious health grounds, such as “psychological damage to the ego”, body image or even the need to be accepted among one’s peers. All these are social problems – needing various social responses. They should not be addressed as medical - needing medical solutions.
Where there is a danger to the health of the mother is when she has procured an abortion. There are many “trained health professionals” who vouch for the fact that the guilt or trauma known as “post abortion syndrome” is a factor that can damage a woman’s emotional life. This is a result of aborting the child – an act that cannot be reversed.
There is another point in Article 26 (paragraph 4) which is not clear. What does it mean by “a trained health professional”? Is it a medical doctor, a clinical officer, a nurse, a mid-wife, a patient attendant or a Traditional Birth Attendant? All are “trained health professionals”. In any law – and particularly in the fundamental law being proposed for a country – the people have a right to precision before being asked to commit themselves to something. Clarification is needed from those who wrote and passed the Draft. We need to know the mind of the legislators. Then it can be stated clearly in the proposed article.
A final ambiguity with Article 26 (paragraph 4) is the phrase “any other written law”. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Are we satisfied with assurances or even MOUs that “changes can take place after the Referendum”? Are we prepared to allow Parliament or a majority of counties to pass other laws on issues of life and death? What is “a majority” in Parliament or of counties – referred to in Article 257 (vii) and (viii)? Do we want another Referendum in the near future? (Article 257 (x)? Can we financially afford this? Do we wish to spend time and money in seeking interpretations from the Judiciary?
“Nothing and no one can in any way permit the killing of an innocent human being, whether foetus or an embryo, an infant or an adult, an old person or one suffering from an incurable disease or a person who is dying”. (Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church No. 108).
“We are called upon to do as much as we can to defend the lives of unborn children, who cannot of their nature, defend themselves….Once abortion is sanctioned by parliament and the law, it becomes “OK” in the minds of many, and as a result a society loses its respect for the value of human life. Such a society is not a good society: the practice of abortion has a morally corrosive effect”. (A Catholic Catechism No. 332).
1. That the Clause 26 (4) be removed from the Draft Constitution.
The President has stated on at least two public occasions that abortion would not be allowed in any proposed Constitution for Kenya.
The responsibility is now squarely in the hands of the “Two Principals” – President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
2. That all Catholics will hold a Prayer Day in Defence of Human Life. The date, manner and content for this Prayer Day will be communicated at a later date.
Now we turn to Articles 169, 170 and 172(a). The Question of the Kadhi courts has been linked by commentators to our views on Article 26. There is no such link.
In brief, the articles establish Kadhi Courts as part of our judiciary. In so doing they give a special treatment, to a section of the population that professes the Muslim religion. These courts would then be funded by the state.
The debate on Kadhi courts has been widely misunderstood and has created a lot of unnecessary suspicion amongst Kenyans on the basis of religion. It is not a Christians versus Muslims affair. It is simply about equality of all before the state. Here we are stating an anomaly that is in the current constitution and still maintained in the proposed constitution.
It is a question of Justice, not to give privileges to certain Kenyans (as opposed to others) because of their religion, race or tribe. That is the beginning of discrimination - more so if the issue refers to a religious group. What we are stating is that there is no equity. This right is only reserved to those professing one faith.
Justice calls that the Constitution provide similar rights to other religious groups. This could be regulated by Acts of Parliament. All the Christian churches, Hinduism, Islam, Catholicism etc. which have legitimate concerns, fears or expectations, should rectify and consolidate these through Acts of Parliament.
All are equal before the supreme law of the land and therefore need to be granted equal opportunity to enjoy all the liberties accorded to others.
In allowing certain groups, whether religious, tribal, geographic or otherwise to negotiate special privileges that will be enshrined in the constitution, then we shall be going against the very fundamental principle that we are all equal. We believe a solution can be found to provide for the equity that justice calls for and requires.
Let all religions be treated equally as provided for in the very Proposed Constitution. “There shall be no state religion” (Article 8).
In conclusion, our dear brothers and sisters, we assure you that we are praying with you and for you as we discern the best way forward for Kenya. As your shepherds, we have tried to put forward on many occasions to all forms of committees, groups, commissions and individuals, the legitimate concerns which we have in our hearts concerning these two Articles of the Proposed Constitution. Our patriotism and commitment, and that of the estimated Catholic population of one third of the people of this land (who are drawn from all parts of Kenya) have never been in doubt. The contribution of the Catholic Church to the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and developmental aspects of all over the past one hundred years is a matter of public record. We assure you and the people of Kenya that this commitment will continue.
May the Lord strengthen all of us.
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue;
Archbishop of Nairobi.
Apostolic Administrator of Ngong
Chairman, Kenya Episcopal Conference
1. Rt. Rev. Philip Sulumeti - KEC Vice Chairman (Kakamega)
2. Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth (Kisumu)
3. Most Rev. Boniface Lele (Mombasa)
4. Most Rev. Peter Kairo (Nyeri)
5. Rt. Rev. Paul Darmanin (Garissa)
- Apostolic Administrator (Malindi)
6. Rt. Rev. Cornelius K. Arap Korir (Eldoret)
7. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa(Kisii)
8. Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo (Homa Bay)
9. Rt. Rev. Alfred Rotich (Military Ordinariate )
10. Rt. Rev. Maurice Crowley (Kitale)
11. Rt. Rev. Norman King’oo Wambua (Bungoma)
12. Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, IMC (Marsabit)
13. Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng’ang’a- (Auxiliary Bishop Nairobi)
14. Rt. Rev. Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC (Isiolo Vicariate)
15. Rt. Rev. Patrick Harrington (Lodwar)
16. Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante (Maralal )
17. Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugambi (Meru)
18. Rt. Rev. Luigi Paiaro (Nyahururu)
19. Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okombo (Kericho)
20. Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde (Machakos)
21. Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria (Kitui)
22. Rt. Rev. James Maria Wainaina (Muranga)
23. Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki Njiru (Embu)
24. Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia Makumba (Nakuru)
25. Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich – (Aux. Bishop Elect Lodwar)
Thursday, 15th April 2010
Our website: www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Fr. Kimengich Appointed Auxiliary Bishop Of Lodwar
CANANews NAIROBI; Saturday, 20, 2010
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Fr. Dominic Kimengich as the Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar.
The appointment was made on Saturday March 20, 2010.
A statement from the Apostolic Nunciature in Kenya stated:
“His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Rev. Fr. Dominic Kimengich, priest of Diocese of Nakuru, and so far, the National Executive Secretary of the Canon Law office at the Secretariat of Kenya Episcopal Conference (KEC) as the Auxiliary Bishop of Lodwar.”
Born on 23rd April 1961 in Kituro, Baringo District to Luka Kimengich Kipkosiom and Kabom kimengich, the Bishop-elect attended Marigat primary and Kituro high schools between 1967 and 1979.
He joined St Augustine Major Seminary in Mabanga in 1980 for his Philosophy studies and St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary in 1982 for Theological studies.
He was ordained Deacon on 15 December 1985, and then a priest on 14 September 1986.
He holds a Licentiate and Doctorate degrees in Canon law from the Pontifical Holy Cross University, Rome.
After his ordination, Bishop-Elect Kimengich administered as Assistant Parish Priest at Ndanai Catholic Mission, and Parish Priest at Kipsaram Catholic Mission.
Between 1997 and 2001, he served as the Rector at St. Joseph’s minor seminary in Molo. He was the Judicial Vicar of Nakuru Diocese between 1998 and 2002.
He was the Vicar General of Nakuru between 2001 and 2007. He also served as a judge of the Diocesan Ecclesiastical tribunal of the Diocese from 2003.
Prior to his appointment as the National Executive Secretary of the Canon Law office at the KEC Catholic Secretariat, Bishop- Elect served as the Rector and lecturer at St. Matthias Mulumba Major Seminary, Tindinyo between 2007 and 2008.
Bishop-Elect Kimengich is the second Priest to be appointed while serving at the Kenya Episcopal Conference Catholic Secretariat, following the appointment (on December 19, 2009) and ordination (on February 27, 2010) of Bishop Maurice Makumba Muhatia of Nakuru Diocese, who prior to his appointment was the Executive Secretary of the Commission of Doctrine at the Secretariat. Bishop Elect Kimengich is also a member of the Commission for Doctrine.
The latest Episcopal appointment is fourth within one year in Kenya, with all the appointed priests being former Rectors. Others who were appointed since April 2009 are Bishop James Maria Wainaina of Murang’a and James Paul Njiru Kariuki of Embu.
Bishop-Elect Kimengich will be assisting Bishop Patrick Harrington at Lodwar Diocese
Our Website: www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Fr. Dominic Kimengich as the Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar.
The appointment was made on Saturday March 20, 2010.
A statement from the Apostolic Nunciature in Kenya stated:
“His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Rev. Fr. Dominic Kimengich, priest of Diocese of Nakuru, and so far, the National Executive Secretary of the Canon Law office at the Secretariat of Kenya Episcopal Conference (KEC) as the Auxiliary Bishop of Lodwar.”
Born on 23rd April 1961 in Kituro, Baringo District to Luka Kimengich Kipkosiom and Kabom kimengich, the Bishop-elect attended Marigat primary and Kituro high schools between 1967 and 1979.
He joined St Augustine Major Seminary in Mabanga in 1980 for his Philosophy studies and St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary in 1982 for Theological studies.
He was ordained Deacon on 15 December 1985, and then a priest on 14 September 1986.
He holds a Licentiate and Doctorate degrees in Canon law from the Pontifical Holy Cross University, Rome.
After his ordination, Bishop-Elect Kimengich administered as Assistant Parish Priest at Ndanai Catholic Mission, and Parish Priest at Kipsaram Catholic Mission.
Between 1997 and 2001, he served as the Rector at St. Joseph’s minor seminary in Molo. He was the Judicial Vicar of Nakuru Diocese between 1998 and 2002.
He was the Vicar General of Nakuru between 2001 and 2007. He also served as a judge of the Diocesan Ecclesiastical tribunal of the Diocese from 2003.
Prior to his appointment as the National Executive Secretary of the Canon Law office at the KEC Catholic Secretariat, Bishop- Elect served as the Rector and lecturer at St. Matthias Mulumba Major Seminary, Tindinyo between 2007 and 2008.
Bishop-Elect Kimengich is the second Priest to be appointed while serving at the Kenya Episcopal Conference Catholic Secretariat, following the appointment (on December 19, 2009) and ordination (on February 27, 2010) of Bishop Maurice Makumba Muhatia of Nakuru Diocese, who prior to his appointment was the Executive Secretary of the Commission of Doctrine at the Secretariat. Bishop Elect Kimengich is also a member of the Commission for Doctrine.
The latest Episcopal appointment is fourth within one year in Kenya, with all the appointed priests being former Rectors. Others who were appointed since April 2009 are Bishop James Maria Wainaina of Murang’a and James Paul Njiru Kariuki of Embu.
Bishop-Elect Kimengich will be assisting Bishop Patrick Harrington at Lodwar Diocese
Our Website: www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Caritas International Wants Haiti Debt Cancelled
The Caritas is pressurizing the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to totally cancel debt for Haiti, a country that was devastated by a 7.0 Richter strong earthquake on January 12, 2010.
While welcoming the IMF's decision to lend earthquake-stricken Haiti US$102 million on highly concessional terms, Caritas expressed disappointed that it would not be possible at the same time to cancel Haiti's outstanding debts to the IMF.
“The appalling images coming out of Port-au-Prince show that it will be many years before Haiti will be in a position to service any international loans. Haiti must be free to heal its wounds, rebuild and reconstruct confident that it is not building up debt obligations in the future. That is why Caritas is joining campaigners from around the world who are calling for immediate debt cancellation,” a situation report from Caritas Kenya on the rescue and recovery processes in Haiti pointed out.
The managing director of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn has given his support to efforts to cancel Haiti's debts and has said that "IMF is now working with all donors to try to delete all the Haitian debt, including our new loan."
The World Bank (owed $39 million) and Inter-American Development Bank (owed $447 million) have also expressed support for debt cancellation; though have yet to formally agree a deal.
“Caritas says the time for debt cancellation is now. Caritas urges the IMF and other donors to ensure that the burden of debt is lifted from Haiti as it struggles to rebuild - a task that will take decades and billions of dollars,” the situation report says.
Debt cancellation would go a long way to try to rebuild the ruined country.
At the same time, Caritas continues to take lead in coordinating the Catholic church response to Haiti disaster.
Following the devastating earthquake, His Holiness the Pope Benedict XVI called for prayers, solidarity and generosity in aid of the victims of the catastrophe.
At Caritas Internationalis headquarters in Rome, an emergency response team led by Humanitarian Director Alistair Dutton was sent to Haiti. Other Caritas staff from members in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Europe joined to provide extra capacity for staff on the ground.
Immediately after the quake, Caritas is appealed for an emergency appeal of US$ 42 million (Euro 30 million) to provide 200,000 Haiti quake survivors with immediate food, shelter, medical help, and clean water.
Caritas Haiti and the Bishops of Haiti have been leading the Catholic Church’s response to the crisis in Haiti. Caritas Internationalis set up its coordination crisis centre at the Caritas Haiti compound to ensure that all Caritas members worked effectively together under guidance of the national Church in Haiti.
The Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti, Archbishop Bernardito Cleopas Auza, hosted a Caritas meeting at the Holy See’s Embassy in Port-au-Prince to look at relief operations and longer term challenges such as education, agriculture, reconstruction and preparing for disasters.
Caritas was in a good position to provide aid to survivors after the earthquake. Caritas Haiti has been working on emergencies, development and social justice for 35 years. It works through 10 diocesan offices, through staff, and parish priests and community volunteers.
In 2008, Caritas Haiti responded to a series of hurricanes providing food rations, cleaning up schools and homes, helping people build shelters, and providing scholarships to children so they could go to school.
In Kenya, the Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya, His Excellency Alain Paul Lebeaupin reiterated the Holy Father’s invitation, appealing to all Catholics and people of good will to support the call.
Caritas Kenya and the Kenya Episcopal Conference sent messages of condolence and solidarity to Caritas Haiti and Episcopal Conference of Haiti respectively. Kenya Episcopal Conference also send out an appeal to all people of good will to join hands with all the Catholic Bishops in Kenya for a unified response to alleviate the sufferings of the survivors of this disaster.
Caritas Kenya was mandated to coordinate the response. This appeal was addressed to all Bishops, Religious Congregations and KEC Commissions and Institutions, among others. All collections will be forwarded to His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio for onward facilitation to the Holy See.
This two month international appeal by Pope Benedict XVI will be followed by a longer 12 month reconstruction programme.
Caritas has been working directly in 20 camps, but is also distributing aid through its contacts with priests and religious working in 32 parishes with 150,000 people in need.
Already, Caritas members from 40 countries have collected $ 198 million (Euro 147 million) from private donations for Haiti’s quake survivors. In addition, governments and institutions have pledged $36 million (Euro 27 million) to Caritas for Haiti.
Around $20 million is being used to provide for immediate needs over the next two months.
Caritas Internationalis President Cardinal Rodrgiuez said: “We are humbled by the support Caritas has received from around the world. From rich countries in Europe and North America to desperately poor ones like Congo and Somalia, this is a great symbol of solidarity with Haiti as it looks to rebuild anew. We will be a central part of creating a better future for Haitians based on solidarity, hope and love.”
However, efforts will not only be concentrated to humanitarian crisis being experienced currently.
“Experience has shown that in crisis situations such as this, the weaker voices in society, already vulnerable to abuse, become more so – including women, children, the elderly and the infirm. There is need to think beyond simply meeting basic needs – food will not keep communities safe from abuse and water will not protect them from violence. Almost half of the affected population (48%) are children, many of whom are deeply traumatised and alone,” says Mr. Stephen Kituku, the acting National Executive Secretary for the Development, social services/ Caritas Kenya Commission at the Kenya Episcopal Conference Catholic Secretariat.
Over three million people were affected by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti at 16:53 local time on Tuesday 12 January with around 230,000 people over half a million people were made homeless and many people are in makeshift camps and relying on aid agencies for food and water. The quake was the worst in over 200 years.
Over 20,000 commercial buildings and 225,000 homes were destroyed, 800,000 people are homeless and 340,000 people have fled the capital.
Hospitals, schools, government buildings, the United Nations compound, water pipes, electricity cables, communication lines, churches, roads, and the port were all badly damaged or destroyed in the earthquake.
Our web site: http://www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
While welcoming the IMF's decision to lend earthquake-stricken Haiti US$102 million on highly concessional terms, Caritas expressed disappointed that it would not be possible at the same time to cancel Haiti's outstanding debts to the IMF.
“The appalling images coming out of Port-au-Prince show that it will be many years before Haiti will be in a position to service any international loans. Haiti must be free to heal its wounds, rebuild and reconstruct confident that it is not building up debt obligations in the future. That is why Caritas is joining campaigners from around the world who are calling for immediate debt cancellation,” a situation report from Caritas Kenya on the rescue and recovery processes in Haiti pointed out.
The managing director of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn has given his support to efforts to cancel Haiti's debts and has said that "IMF is now working with all donors to try to delete all the Haitian debt, including our new loan."
The World Bank (owed $39 million) and Inter-American Development Bank (owed $447 million) have also expressed support for debt cancellation; though have yet to formally agree a deal.
“Caritas says the time for debt cancellation is now. Caritas urges the IMF and other donors to ensure that the burden of debt is lifted from Haiti as it struggles to rebuild - a task that will take decades and billions of dollars,” the situation report says.
Debt cancellation would go a long way to try to rebuild the ruined country.
At the same time, Caritas continues to take lead in coordinating the Catholic church response to Haiti disaster.
Following the devastating earthquake, His Holiness the Pope Benedict XVI called for prayers, solidarity and generosity in aid of the victims of the catastrophe.
At Caritas Internationalis headquarters in Rome, an emergency response team led by Humanitarian Director Alistair Dutton was sent to Haiti. Other Caritas staff from members in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Europe joined to provide extra capacity for staff on the ground.
Immediately after the quake, Caritas is appealed for an emergency appeal of US$ 42 million (Euro 30 million) to provide 200,000 Haiti quake survivors with immediate food, shelter, medical help, and clean water.
Caritas Haiti and the Bishops of Haiti have been leading the Catholic Church’s response to the crisis in Haiti. Caritas Internationalis set up its coordination crisis centre at the Caritas Haiti compound to ensure that all Caritas members worked effectively together under guidance of the national Church in Haiti.
The Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti, Archbishop Bernardito Cleopas Auza, hosted a Caritas meeting at the Holy See’s Embassy in Port-au-Prince to look at relief operations and longer term challenges such as education, agriculture, reconstruction and preparing for disasters.
Caritas was in a good position to provide aid to survivors after the earthquake. Caritas Haiti has been working on emergencies, development and social justice for 35 years. It works through 10 diocesan offices, through staff, and parish priests and community volunteers.
In 2008, Caritas Haiti responded to a series of hurricanes providing food rations, cleaning up schools and homes, helping people build shelters, and providing scholarships to children so they could go to school.
In Kenya, the Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya, His Excellency Alain Paul Lebeaupin reiterated the Holy Father’s invitation, appealing to all Catholics and people of good will to support the call.
Caritas Kenya and the Kenya Episcopal Conference sent messages of condolence and solidarity to Caritas Haiti and Episcopal Conference of Haiti respectively. Kenya Episcopal Conference also send out an appeal to all people of good will to join hands with all the Catholic Bishops in Kenya for a unified response to alleviate the sufferings of the survivors of this disaster.
Caritas Kenya was mandated to coordinate the response. This appeal was addressed to all Bishops, Religious Congregations and KEC Commissions and Institutions, among others. All collections will be forwarded to His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio for onward facilitation to the Holy See.
This two month international appeal by Pope Benedict XVI will be followed by a longer 12 month reconstruction programme.
Caritas has been working directly in 20 camps, but is also distributing aid through its contacts with priests and religious working in 32 parishes with 150,000 people in need.
Already, Caritas members from 40 countries have collected $ 198 million (Euro 147 million) from private donations for Haiti’s quake survivors. In addition, governments and institutions have pledged $36 million (Euro 27 million) to Caritas for Haiti.
Around $20 million is being used to provide for immediate needs over the next two months.
Caritas Internationalis President Cardinal Rodrgiuez said: “We are humbled by the support Caritas has received from around the world. From rich countries in Europe and North America to desperately poor ones like Congo and Somalia, this is a great symbol of solidarity with Haiti as it looks to rebuild anew. We will be a central part of creating a better future for Haitians based on solidarity, hope and love.”
However, efforts will not only be concentrated to humanitarian crisis being experienced currently.
“Experience has shown that in crisis situations such as this, the weaker voices in society, already vulnerable to abuse, become more so – including women, children, the elderly and the infirm. There is need to think beyond simply meeting basic needs – food will not keep communities safe from abuse and water will not protect them from violence. Almost half of the affected population (48%) are children, many of whom are deeply traumatised and alone,” says Mr. Stephen Kituku, the acting National Executive Secretary for the Development, social services/ Caritas Kenya Commission at the Kenya Episcopal Conference Catholic Secretariat.
Over three million people were affected by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti at 16:53 local time on Tuesday 12 January with around 230,000 people over half a million people were made homeless and many people are in makeshift camps and relying on aid agencies for food and water. The quake was the worst in over 200 years.
Over 20,000 commercial buildings and 225,000 homes were destroyed, 800,000 people are homeless and 340,000 people have fled the capital.
Hospitals, schools, government buildings, the United Nations compound, water pipes, electricity cables, communication lines, churches, roads, and the port were all badly damaged or destroyed in the earthquake.
Our web site: http://www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Bishop's Statement: Issues of Concern on the Situation in the Country and the Draft Constitution
“Come now let us set things right, says the Lord...” Isaiah 1:18
We the Catholic Bishops in Kenya, sitting today in an extra ordinary plenary meeting at our Catholic Secretariat in Westlands, have followed with concern the recent development in the Grand Coalition Government especially the current stalemate between the two principals, the President and the Prime Minister.
We firmly appeal to the two principals to work together and to continue consulting for the good of this country. The good of the country must be put before any other priority and indeed the Grand Coalition Government was formed in order to keep the country united and peaceful.
It is also necessary for the politicians who belong to each side of the Political divide and others to also be conscious of the good of this country in all that they say and do.
Among other pertinent issues, corruption must be condemned and fought by all, with the two principals in the lead. This calls for objective methodologies that address comprehensively all the areas and cases of corruption.
The two Principals together must avoid abdication of duty that may delay action in the fight against graft. We urge the Principals to sit together and work with advisors who are genuine and honest and have the good of the country at heart. This would be seen to add value to the plight of the poor and marginalised in Kenya. The focus should continue to be Kenya as one people and nation.
We the Catholic Bishops of Kenya wish to advise against absconding of cabinet meetings. This would mean a stalemate in government business and would never be in the interest of the country and worst of all the electorate who have delegated their powers to the legislators.
Such a move only increases the anxiety of Kenyans and stagnates progress, threatening the very and only chance of achieving a new constitution for our country. While the solutions to the current stalemate are being sought, we must all remain focused on the responsibilities that address the Common Good, Solidarity and Development of Peoples, living in Justice and Peace.
The solution to the current stalemate should be truly home-grown. We should avoid reaching out to the International Community in the face of every crisis before exhausting internal conflict resolution mechanisms.
We are in a critical and defining moment of our constitution making process. All efforts must be put towards this important process in order to get a new constitution that will address justice for all including the unborn and the voiceless.
We therefore appeal to all to be focused, honest and united for the good of this country today and in the future.
We acknowledge the efforts and good work of the Committee of Experts, the Parliamentary Select Committee and Kenyans in the constitution review process. As it is taken to Parliament, it is our hope that the process will be brought to a positive conclusion for the benefit of Kenyans.
Bill of Rights
We recommend that the Bill of Rights as proposed by Committee Of Experts in the Revised Harmonised Draft Constitution was comprehensive and should be retained with the following amendments.
Right to Life; “Thou Shall not Kill” (Exodus 20:13)
The Catholic Church upholds the fundamental principle of the Sanctity of Life. We believe that life is sacred and God given and therefore propose the following legislation on this basis:-
1. every person has the right to life
2. life starts from the moment of conception and ends with natural death
3. there shall be no abortion
4. there shall be no capital punishment
5. there shall be no euthanasia
The family is the natural and fundamental unit of society and shall enjoy the recognition and protection of the state.
We therefore propose that the component of the family be defined as a father who is a male, a mother who is a female and children present, potential or legally adopted.
Every adult may marry only a person of the opposite sex. We do not support same sex “marriages” and they must not be allowed or recognised in the Constitution of our country.
An adult should also be defined in the constitution. We recommend that an adult be a male or female who has attained 18 years of age.
We note that the right to education is missing from the Parliamentary Select Committee draft. We therefore recommend that the proposals given by the Committee Of Experts be retained as in Article 51 and 66 (6) (c) of the Revised Harmonised Draft Constitution.
All children should have the right to compulsory basic education. Parents and legal guardians should be involved in the curriculum development. Children’s and youth’s rights should be retained as in Revised Harmonised Draft Constitution.
In the spirit of the fundamental principle of religious freedom of peoples, we note that although religion and state have to be separated, there is need to have good relations between religion and state . We therefore recommend that the constitution recognises the possibility of agreements between the authorities of different religions with the state as exists in many countries. In consideration therefore, The Kadhis’ courts be established under an act of parliament as a subordinate court and dealing only with matters of personal law, i.e. marriage, inheritance and separation.
National Days
We note that in the Parliamentary Select Committee draft there are no National Days recognized. We therefore recommend that the National days include the following:
Madaraka Day (1st June), Mashujaa Day (20th October) and Jamhuri day (12th December) as in Revised Harmonised Draft Constitution.
It is our hope that all of us will work together for a good constitution, which will deliver justice to all. That we may dwell in Unity, Peace and Liberty and that Plenty may be found within our borders
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue
Archbishop of Nairobi
Apostolic Administrator of Ngong
Chairman - Kenya Episcopal Conference
1. Rt. Rev. Philip Sulumeti - Vice Chairman (Kakamega)
2. Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth (Kisumu)
3. Most Rev. Boniface Lele (Mombasa)
4. Most Rev. Peter Kairo (Nyeri)
5. Rt. Rev. Paul Darmanin (Garissa)
Apostolic Administrator - (Malindi)
6. Rt. Rev. Cornelius K. Arap Korir (Eldoret)
7. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa (Kisii)
8. Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo (Homa Bay)
Apostolic Administrator -(Nakuru)
9. Rt. Rev. Alfred Rotich (Military Ordinariate)
10. Rt. Rev. Maurice Crowley (Kitale)
11. Rt. Rev. Norman Wambua King’oo (Bungoma)
12. Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, IMC (Marsabit)
13. Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng’ang’a- Aux. Bishop (Nairobi)
14. Rt. Rev. Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC (Isiolo Vicariate)
15. Rt. Rev. Patrick Harrington (Lodwar)
16. Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante (Maralal )
17. Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugambi (Meru)
18. Rt. Rev. Luigi Paiaro (Nyahururu)
19. Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okombo (Kericho)
20. Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde (Machakos)
21. Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria (Kitui)
22. Rt. Rev. James Wainaina (Muranga)
23. Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki (Embu)
24. Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia - Bishop Elect (Nakuru)
Dated: Tuesday, 18th February 2010
Our website: http://www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
We the Catholic Bishops in Kenya, sitting today in an extra ordinary plenary meeting at our Catholic Secretariat in Westlands, have followed with concern the recent development in the Grand Coalition Government especially the current stalemate between the two principals, the President and the Prime Minister.
We firmly appeal to the two principals to work together and to continue consulting for the good of this country. The good of the country must be put before any other priority and indeed the Grand Coalition Government was formed in order to keep the country united and peaceful.
It is also necessary for the politicians who belong to each side of the Political divide and others to also be conscious of the good of this country in all that they say and do.
Among other pertinent issues, corruption must be condemned and fought by all, with the two principals in the lead. This calls for objective methodologies that address comprehensively all the areas and cases of corruption.
The two Principals together must avoid abdication of duty that may delay action in the fight against graft. We urge the Principals to sit together and work with advisors who are genuine and honest and have the good of the country at heart. This would be seen to add value to the plight of the poor and marginalised in Kenya. The focus should continue to be Kenya as one people and nation.
We the Catholic Bishops of Kenya wish to advise against absconding of cabinet meetings. This would mean a stalemate in government business and would never be in the interest of the country and worst of all the electorate who have delegated their powers to the legislators.
Such a move only increases the anxiety of Kenyans and stagnates progress, threatening the very and only chance of achieving a new constitution for our country. While the solutions to the current stalemate are being sought, we must all remain focused on the responsibilities that address the Common Good, Solidarity and Development of Peoples, living in Justice and Peace.
The solution to the current stalemate should be truly home-grown. We should avoid reaching out to the International Community in the face of every crisis before exhausting internal conflict resolution mechanisms.
We are in a critical and defining moment of our constitution making process. All efforts must be put towards this important process in order to get a new constitution that will address justice for all including the unborn and the voiceless.
We therefore appeal to all to be focused, honest and united for the good of this country today and in the future.
We acknowledge the efforts and good work of the Committee of Experts, the Parliamentary Select Committee and Kenyans in the constitution review process. As it is taken to Parliament, it is our hope that the process will be brought to a positive conclusion for the benefit of Kenyans.
Bill of Rights
We recommend that the Bill of Rights as proposed by Committee Of Experts in the Revised Harmonised Draft Constitution was comprehensive and should be retained with the following amendments.
Right to Life; “Thou Shall not Kill” (Exodus 20:13)
The Catholic Church upholds the fundamental principle of the Sanctity of Life. We believe that life is sacred and God given and therefore propose the following legislation on this basis:-
1. every person has the right to life
2. life starts from the moment of conception and ends with natural death
3. there shall be no abortion
4. there shall be no capital punishment
5. there shall be no euthanasia
The family is the natural and fundamental unit of society and shall enjoy the recognition and protection of the state.
We therefore propose that the component of the family be defined as a father who is a male, a mother who is a female and children present, potential or legally adopted.
Every adult may marry only a person of the opposite sex. We do not support same sex “marriages” and they must not be allowed or recognised in the Constitution of our country.
An adult should also be defined in the constitution. We recommend that an adult be a male or female who has attained 18 years of age.
We note that the right to education is missing from the Parliamentary Select Committee draft. We therefore recommend that the proposals given by the Committee Of Experts be retained as in Article 51 and 66 (6) (c) of the Revised Harmonised Draft Constitution.
All children should have the right to compulsory basic education. Parents and legal guardians should be involved in the curriculum development. Children’s and youth’s rights should be retained as in Revised Harmonised Draft Constitution.
In the spirit of the fundamental principle of religious freedom of peoples, we note that although religion and state have to be separated, there is need to have good relations between religion and state . We therefore recommend that the constitution recognises the possibility of agreements between the authorities of different religions with the state as exists in many countries. In consideration therefore, The Kadhis’ courts be established under an act of parliament as a subordinate court and dealing only with matters of personal law, i.e. marriage, inheritance and separation.
National Days
We note that in the Parliamentary Select Committee draft there are no National Days recognized. We therefore recommend that the National days include the following:
Madaraka Day (1st June), Mashujaa Day (20th October) and Jamhuri day (12th December) as in Revised Harmonised Draft Constitution.
It is our hope that all of us will work together for a good constitution, which will deliver justice to all. That we may dwell in Unity, Peace and Liberty and that Plenty may be found within our borders
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue
Archbishop of Nairobi
Apostolic Administrator of Ngong
Chairman - Kenya Episcopal Conference
1. Rt. Rev. Philip Sulumeti - Vice Chairman (Kakamega)
2. Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth (Kisumu)
3. Most Rev. Boniface Lele (Mombasa)
4. Most Rev. Peter Kairo (Nyeri)
5. Rt. Rev. Paul Darmanin (Garissa)
Apostolic Administrator - (Malindi)
6. Rt. Rev. Cornelius K. Arap Korir (Eldoret)
7. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa (Kisii)
8. Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo (Homa Bay)
Apostolic Administrator -(Nakuru)
9. Rt. Rev. Alfred Rotich (Military Ordinariate)
10. Rt. Rev. Maurice Crowley (Kitale)
11. Rt. Rev. Norman Wambua King’oo (Bungoma)
12. Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, IMC (Marsabit)
13. Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng’ang’a- Aux. Bishop (Nairobi)
14. Rt. Rev. Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC (Isiolo Vicariate)
15. Rt. Rev. Patrick Harrington (Lodwar)
16. Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante (Maralal )
17. Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugambi (Meru)
18. Rt. Rev. Luigi Paiaro (Nyahururu)
19. Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okombo (Kericho)
20. Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde (Machakos)
21. Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria (Kitui)
22. Rt. Rev. James Wainaina (Muranga)
23. Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki (Embu)
24. Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia - Bishop Elect (Nakuru)
Dated: Tuesday, 18th February 2010
Our website: http://www.kec.or.ke
Our Blog: CANANews
Friday, January 22, 2010
Bishops' Statement: THOU SHALL NOT KILL (Exodus 20:13)
‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you came to birth I consecrated you..’ Jeremiah 1:4-5
Life begins at conception and ends with natural death. Any attempt to deny this truth is wrong and misleading.
The Catholic Church has stated again and again that human life begins from the moment of conception and ends with natural death. The servant of God Pope John Paul II taught that: “Even in the midst of difficulties and uncertainties, every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can, by light of reason and the hidden action of grace, come to recognize in the natural law written in the heart the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end, and can affirm the right of every human being to have this primary good respected to the highest degree” (The Gospel of Life, no.2).
It follows therefore that the recognition of the right to life is the foundation in which every human community and the political community is based on. Based on this foundational principle, the Catholic Bishops in Kenya presented to the Committee of Experts on the Constitutional Review the following immutable statement in regard to Article 35 – Right to Life of the draft Constitution:
The Catholic Church upholds the fundamental principle of the Sanctity of life. We believe life is sacred and God-given and therefore propose the following legislation on this basis:-
1. Every person has a right to life
2. Life starts from the moment of conception and ends with natural death
3. There shall be no abortion
4. There shall be no capital punishment
5. There shall be no euthanasia
It comes therefore as a surprise that at this very moment when the people of Kenya are looking forward to a new Constitution, those entrusted with the task are removing the only one basic pillar and the corner stone that the entire structure of the constitution hangs on – the inviolable sanctity of human life that begins at the moment of conception.
To insert in the constitution a clause that shifts the moment of life from conception to the time of birth defeats reason and without doubt is to open the way to legalized abortion.
The acceptance of abortion - an unspeakable crime - in the popular mind, in behavior and even in law itself, is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of the moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil, even when the fundamental right to life is at a stake. Procured abortion is the deliberate and direct killing, by whatever means carried out, of a human being in the initial phase of his or her existence, extending from conception to birth. When it comes to abortion we are dealing with murder. The one eliminated is a human being from the very beginning of life.
Consequently, a constitution that does not protect life in all its phases is irremediably faulty and ceases to demand any recognition. Conscious of our divine mandate to promote the culture of life and to stand for inviolable right of every person to life from the moment of conception to natural death, we strongly feel that we cannot be party to any legislation that supports a culture of death.
We therefore call upon our members of Parliament and all concerned to correct the anomaly and recognize, in the Constitution, that life begins at the moment of conception.
Signed by the Mandate of
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue
Archbishop of Nairobi & Apostolic Administrator of Ngong
Chairman, Kenya Episcopal Conference
Rt. Rev. Philip Sulumeti
Bishop of Kakamega/
Vice Chairman, Kenya Episcopal Conference
1. Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth (Kisumu)
2. Most Rev. Boniface Lele (Mombasa)
3. Most Rev. Peter Kairo (Nyeri)
4. Rt. Rev. Paul Darmanin (Garissa)
5. Rt. Rev. Cornelius K. Arap Korir (Eldoret)
6. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa (Kisii)
7. Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo (Homa Bay); (Apostolic Administrator (Nakuru))
8. Rt. Rev. Alfred Rotich (.Military Ordinariate)
9. Rt. Rev. Maurice Crowley (Kitale)
10. Rt. Rev. Norman Wambua King’oo (Bungoma)
11. Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, IMC (Marsabit)
12. Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng’ang’a- Aux. Bishop (Nairobi)
13. Rt. Rev. Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC (Isiolo Vicariate)
14. Rt. Rev. Patrick Harrington (Lodwar)
15. Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante . (Maralal)
16. Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugambi (Meru)
17. Rt. Rev. Luigi Paiaro (Nyahururu)
18. Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okombo (Kericho)
19. Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde (Machakos)
20. Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria (Kitui)
21. Rt. Rev. James Wainaina (Muranga)
22. Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki (Embu)
23. Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia – Bishop Elect (Nakuru)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Our website: www.kec.or.ke
Our blog: CANANews
Life begins at conception and ends with natural death. Any attempt to deny this truth is wrong and misleading.
The Catholic Church has stated again and again that human life begins from the moment of conception and ends with natural death. The servant of God Pope John Paul II taught that: “Even in the midst of difficulties and uncertainties, every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can, by light of reason and the hidden action of grace, come to recognize in the natural law written in the heart the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end, and can affirm the right of every human being to have this primary good respected to the highest degree” (The Gospel of Life, no.2).
It follows therefore that the recognition of the right to life is the foundation in which every human community and the political community is based on. Based on this foundational principle, the Catholic Bishops in Kenya presented to the Committee of Experts on the Constitutional Review the following immutable statement in regard to Article 35 – Right to Life of the draft Constitution:
The Catholic Church upholds the fundamental principle of the Sanctity of life. We believe life is sacred and God-given and therefore propose the following legislation on this basis:-
1. Every person has a right to life
2. Life starts from the moment of conception and ends with natural death
3. There shall be no abortion
4. There shall be no capital punishment
5. There shall be no euthanasia
It comes therefore as a surprise that at this very moment when the people of Kenya are looking forward to a new Constitution, those entrusted with the task are removing the only one basic pillar and the corner stone that the entire structure of the constitution hangs on – the inviolable sanctity of human life that begins at the moment of conception.
To insert in the constitution a clause that shifts the moment of life from conception to the time of birth defeats reason and without doubt is to open the way to legalized abortion.
The acceptance of abortion - an unspeakable crime - in the popular mind, in behavior and even in law itself, is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of the moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil, even when the fundamental right to life is at a stake. Procured abortion is the deliberate and direct killing, by whatever means carried out, of a human being in the initial phase of his or her existence, extending from conception to birth. When it comes to abortion we are dealing with murder. The one eliminated is a human being from the very beginning of life.
Consequently, a constitution that does not protect life in all its phases is irremediably faulty and ceases to demand any recognition. Conscious of our divine mandate to promote the culture of life and to stand for inviolable right of every person to life from the moment of conception to natural death, we strongly feel that we cannot be party to any legislation that supports a culture of death.
We therefore call upon our members of Parliament and all concerned to correct the anomaly and recognize, in the Constitution, that life begins at the moment of conception.
Signed by the Mandate of
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue
Archbishop of Nairobi & Apostolic Administrator of Ngong
Chairman, Kenya Episcopal Conference
Rt. Rev. Philip Sulumeti
Bishop of Kakamega/
Vice Chairman, Kenya Episcopal Conference
1. Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth (Kisumu)
2. Most Rev. Boniface Lele (Mombasa)
3. Most Rev. Peter Kairo (Nyeri)
4. Rt. Rev. Paul Darmanin (Garissa)
5. Rt. Rev. Cornelius K. Arap Korir (Eldoret)
6. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa (Kisii)
7. Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo (Homa Bay); (Apostolic Administrator (Nakuru))
8. Rt. Rev. Alfred Rotich (.Military Ordinariate)
9. Rt. Rev. Maurice Crowley (Kitale)
10. Rt. Rev. Norman Wambua King’oo (Bungoma)
11. Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, IMC (Marsabit)
12. Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng’ang’a- Aux. Bishop (Nairobi)
13. Rt. Rev. Anthony Ireri Mukobo, IMC (Isiolo Vicariate)
14. Rt. Rev. Patrick Harrington (Lodwar)
15. Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante . (Maralal)
16. Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugambi (Meru)
17. Rt. Rev. Luigi Paiaro (Nyahururu)
18. Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okombo (Kericho)
19. Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde (Machakos)
20. Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria (Kitui)
21. Rt. Rev. James Wainaina (Muranga)
22. Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki (Embu)
23. Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia – Bishop Elect (Nakuru)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Our website: www.kec.or.ke
Our blog: CANANews
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Fr. Adilleta succeeds Fr. Devine as Chair of RSCK
Fr. Patrick Devine, the outgoing Chairman of the RSCK, is delighted that Fr. David Adilleta, who had served up to now as vice chairman, is the new Chairman.
“The fidelity, commitment, and contribution of Fr. David to RSCK and Church issues were of a very high standard. Fr. David played a very significant role as chairman of the RSCK Justice-Peace and Integrity of Creation Commision,” he said.
In addition, his role in the Liaison and the CJPC Commissions of the Kenya Episcopal Conference, he has had a positive impact on collaboration and mutual relations between all involved.
“The fact that (Father) David was the unanimous choice for the position of Chairman of the RSCK speaks volumes of the esteem in which he is held by the other Religious Superiors,” said Fr. Devine.
He noted that he was aware that each Religious Superior does have a lot of various responsibilities outside RSCK, but there are no words of his that could thank David enough for his solidarity and generosity to the mission projects and remits of the RSCK.
While assuring Fr. David of his assistance and support in all ways possible, he praised the new executive elected. The executive team includes Fr Caellana, Fr. Ricardo; Br. Leonard and Fr. Wanjau “I have no doubt of their past contribution and willingness to offer themselves to new demands of leadership and the service of mission,” said Fr. Devine
Fr. David Adilleta OP, the newly elected Chairman of the Religious Superiors Conference of Kenya, (RSCK), praised the out-going Chairman, Fr. Patrick Devine SMA, who had completed the two terms in the post, for his dedication at RSCK . “It is important to acknowledge the vast contribution Fr. Patrick Devine has made to the RSCK and the missionary work of its members during his time as vice-chairman and his two terms as chairman,” said Fr. David.
He said that Fr Devine was instrumental in purchasing the first RSCK office in order to facilitate meetings and the implementation of policy. During his term, there were numerous workshops and meetings on issues such as Child Protection Protocols, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, Pre- and Post-Election Violence, Gender, Ethnic clashes, Hunger and Famine, Social Analysis vis-à-vis slum conditions, governance, et cetera.
He also worked on improving the RSCK regional meetings, bringing all the Superiors together to discuss issues of Evangelisation, Justice and Peace, formation and advocacy on many national humanitarian issues.
He also played a crucial role in helping RSCK member congregations on other issues in the judicial, financial and legal fields, plus his informal mediatory role in trying to resolve the Kenya post election violence..
Fr Devine has also made a major contribution to establishing a much closer collaboration and cooperative relationship between the RSCK and the KEC. Bishop David Kamau, the current bishop chairman of the Liaison Commission for Clergy and Religious said Fr. Devine had contributed a lot to the structural development of the commission. This Commission is composed of representatives of the Kenyan Episcopal Conference, the AOSK, the RSCK and KNDPA.
“Many members from these associations have received educational assistance for poor children and schools in many neglected parts of Kenya through Fr. Devine’s fund raising, which were distributed through the offices of RSCK over the last four years,” said the Bishop.
Fr. Devine was instrumental in the development of the Church-owned PACIS Insurance Company, which has greatly-helped RSCK personnel in practical aspects of their missionary work. During Fr. Devine’s tenure, there has been the increased professionalism of the RSCK in terms of administration and accountability.
Fr. Devine’s reflection on conflict resolution and reconciliation and the need to develop related Institutes of Formation and Education had been presented to the Kenyan and AMECEA delegates to the Synod for Africa. Fr. Paulino Mondo, a theologian of the Kenya Episcopal Conference for the delegates of the Synod for Africa informed the assembly that Fr. Devine’s submission on Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation was included in the ‘Interventions’ of the Kenyan and AMECEA delegates at the Synod for Africa and made a substantial contribution to Proposition 21 on Peace. The said submission was also published by Catholic Information Service for Africa (CISA) and the National Mirror newspaper.
Bishop Kamau heaped praises to Fr Devine’s support to all the RSCK Superiors and their members who experienced the pain of having their members murdered or dying of natural causes, and indeed to members who suffered trauma in other ways.
While engaging in all these activities, he also managed to take classes, do research, and study for a Masters Degree in Peace Studies and International Relation in the last two years, graduating with Suma Cum Laude.
Meanwhile, the Secretary General – Kenya Episcopal Conference, the management and staff of KEC-Catholic Secretariat applauded Fr. Devine for his personal and institutional achievements.
“We look forward to the Shalom Centre for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation,” said Fr. Wambugu, the KEC Secretary General.
our website: www.kec.or.ke
“The fidelity, commitment, and contribution of Fr. David to RSCK and Church issues were of a very high standard. Fr. David played a very significant role as chairman of the RSCK Justice-Peace and Integrity of Creation Commision,” he said.
In addition, his role in the Liaison and the CJPC Commissions of the Kenya Episcopal Conference, he has had a positive impact on collaboration and mutual relations between all involved.
“The fact that (Father) David was the unanimous choice for the position of Chairman of the RSCK speaks volumes of the esteem in which he is held by the other Religious Superiors,” said Fr. Devine.
He noted that he was aware that each Religious Superior does have a lot of various responsibilities outside RSCK, but there are no words of his that could thank David enough for his solidarity and generosity to the mission projects and remits of the RSCK.
While assuring Fr. David of his assistance and support in all ways possible, he praised the new executive elected. The executive team includes Fr Caellana, Fr. Ricardo; Br. Leonard and Fr. Wanjau “I have no doubt of their past contribution and willingness to offer themselves to new demands of leadership and the service of mission,” said Fr. Devine
Fr. David Adilleta OP, the newly elected Chairman of the Religious Superiors Conference of Kenya, (RSCK), praised the out-going Chairman, Fr. Patrick Devine SMA, who had completed the two terms in the post, for his dedication at RSCK . “It is important to acknowledge the vast contribution Fr. Patrick Devine has made to the RSCK and the missionary work of its members during his time as vice-chairman and his two terms as chairman,” said Fr. David.
He said that Fr Devine was instrumental in purchasing the first RSCK office in order to facilitate meetings and the implementation of policy. During his term, there were numerous workshops and meetings on issues such as Child Protection Protocols, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, Pre- and Post-Election Violence, Gender, Ethnic clashes, Hunger and Famine, Social Analysis vis-à-vis slum conditions, governance, et cetera.
He also worked on improving the RSCK regional meetings, bringing all the Superiors together to discuss issues of Evangelisation, Justice and Peace, formation and advocacy on many national humanitarian issues.
He also played a crucial role in helping RSCK member congregations on other issues in the judicial, financial and legal fields, plus his informal mediatory role in trying to resolve the Kenya post election violence..
Fr Devine has also made a major contribution to establishing a much closer collaboration and cooperative relationship between the RSCK and the KEC. Bishop David Kamau, the current bishop chairman of the Liaison Commission for Clergy and Religious said Fr. Devine had contributed a lot to the structural development of the commission. This Commission is composed of representatives of the Kenyan Episcopal Conference, the AOSK, the RSCK and KNDPA.
“Many members from these associations have received educational assistance for poor children and schools in many neglected parts of Kenya through Fr. Devine’s fund raising, which were distributed through the offices of RSCK over the last four years,” said the Bishop.
Fr. Devine was instrumental in the development of the Church-owned PACIS Insurance Company, which has greatly-helped RSCK personnel in practical aspects of their missionary work. During Fr. Devine’s tenure, there has been the increased professionalism of the RSCK in terms of administration and accountability.
Fr. Devine’s reflection on conflict resolution and reconciliation and the need to develop related Institutes of Formation and Education had been presented to the Kenyan and AMECEA delegates to the Synod for Africa. Fr. Paulino Mondo, a theologian of the Kenya Episcopal Conference for the delegates of the Synod for Africa informed the assembly that Fr. Devine’s submission on Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation was included in the ‘Interventions’ of the Kenyan and AMECEA delegates at the Synod for Africa and made a substantial contribution to Proposition 21 on Peace. The said submission was also published by Catholic Information Service for Africa (CISA) and the National Mirror newspaper.
Bishop Kamau heaped praises to Fr Devine’s support to all the RSCK Superiors and their members who experienced the pain of having their members murdered or dying of natural causes, and indeed to members who suffered trauma in other ways.
While engaging in all these activities, he also managed to take classes, do research, and study for a Masters Degree in Peace Studies and International Relation in the last two years, graduating with Suma Cum Laude.
Meanwhile, the Secretary General – Kenya Episcopal Conference, the management and staff of KEC-Catholic Secretariat applauded Fr. Devine for his personal and institutional achievements.
“We look forward to the Shalom Centre for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation,” said Fr. Wambugu, the KEC Secretary General.
our website: www.kec.or.ke
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